james@amorphitec.io | +61 4666 53513 | Twitter | Mastodon | GitHub | LinkedIn
Technologist with a background in software development + devops and a recent focus on technical leadership and product development. Maker and Open Source proponent with a life-long passion for technology. Specialist in Linux, Python, IoT and Cloud.
Leader of a nascent team developing a Building Management System (BMS) for deployment in light industrial units.
Consultant responsible for the architecture and IT engineering of the $4.73m ARENA-funded NEV Smart Grid project.
Head of a team responsible for a fleet of 1500+ IoT devices and associated SaaS services used by Choice and NBNCo to monitor the Internet connection quality of Australian homes and business.
Consultant responsible for the migration of talent-matching SaaS isaptalent to Amazon Web Services.
Co-founder responsible for the strategy, technology and manufacturing processes of a growing niche product startup.
Member of a geographically distributed DevOps team administering industry-leading automotive rental SaaS CARS+.
Early-stage partner responsible for development and DevOps for a SaaS to manage sub-contracted event staff.
Full stack development role creating internal tools in Python and Javascript to be used by various departments across the business.
DevOps role using Open Source tools and custom middleware written in Python to monitor critical high frequency trading systems.
Senior Systems Administration role. Responsible for junior staff and operation of a pioneering video SaaS used by the advertising industry.
Systems Administration role responsible for operation of a pioneering mobile content delivery system used by premier league football clubs.
Responsible for the PGA’s nationwide IT infrastructure. Introduced Open Source solutions to eliminate significant ongoing licensing costs.
Member of a service desk team responsible for handling support calls and administering company network of 150 users.
President and co-founder of SparkCC: a makerspace located on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia. Empowering people to make anything that they can imagine.
Teaching primary school children to listen empathetically, disagree respectfully, build on each other’s ideas and use evidence and reasoning to make decisions.
Tosr0x is a Python module for communicating with ‘TOSR0x’ USB relay controllers made by TinySine.
OpenGB is a 3D printer control interface. Backend written in asynchronous Python using Tornado and frontend in Vue.js.